Recent Water Damage Posts

Navigating Water Damage Restoration: Understanding the Role of Insurance

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Wet spot on a ceiling. If your home has experienced water damage, don't hesitate to reach out to SERVPRO of West Jordan for expert assistance!

Water damage can wreak havoc on homes, causing extensive harm to structures, furniture, and belongings. In such situations, insurance can play a crucial role in covering the costs of restoration and repairs. Let's explore how insurance factors into the process of water damage restoration.

Understanding Water Damage Coverage

Most homeowner's insurance policies provide coverage for water damage caused by sudden and accidental events, such as burst pipes, overflowing appliances, or storm-related leaks. However, it's essential to review your policy to understand the extent of coverage and any exclusions that may apply. Some policies may exclude certain types of water damage, such as gradual leaks or flooding from external sources like rivers or lakes.

Filing a Claim

If your home sustains water damage, the first step is to contact your insurance provider to file a claim. Be prepared to provide detailed information about the extent of the damage, including photographs and documentation of the affected areas. An insurance adjuster will then assess the damage and determine the coverage applicable to your policy.

Working with Restoration Professionals

Once the claim is approved, you can enlist the help of water damage restoration professionals, such as SERVPRO of West Jordan, to begin the cleanup and restoration process. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to effectively mitigate water damage and restore your home to its preloss condition.

Coordinating with Your Insurance Provider

Throughout the restoration process, your restoration team will work closely with your insurance provider to ensure that all necessary documentation is provided and that the work is completed according to industry standards. This coordination helps streamline the claims process and ensures that you receive fair compensation for the damages incurred.

Final Thoughts

In the aftermath of water damage, insurance coverage can provide financial assistance and peace of mind to homeowners facing unexpected repair costs. By understanding your policy, filing a timely claim, and working with reputable restoration professionals, you can navigate the water damage restoration process efficiently and effectively.

If your home has experienced water damage, don't hesitate to reach out to SERVPRO® for expert assistance. Our team is here to help you restore your home and belongings to their preloss condition, ensuring a swift and successful recovery.

Roof Leaks and Water Damage: Inspection and Repairs

2/18/2024 (Permalink)

A roof leak can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare, causing significant damage to the structure, furnishings, and even posing safety hazards. Quick action is essential to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of inhabitants. In this blog, we will explore the causes of roof leaks, how to inspect for water damage, and the necessary repairs for a safe and secure home.

Causes of Roof Leaks

Roof leaks can be caused by various factors, including worn-out shingles, missing or damaged flashing, clogged gutters, or ventilation issues. Over time, exposure to harsh weather, such as heavy rain, snow, and ice, can weaken the roof’s structural components, leading to leaks. It is crucial to identify the cause of the leak before attempting repairs to avoid recurrence.

Inspecting for Water Damage

Water damage caused by roof leaks can be challenging to detect, especially in hidden areas, such as attics and crawl spaces. Signs of water damage include water stains, musty odors, peeling paint or wallpaper, and warped or discolored ceilings. A thorough inspection by a professional contractor can identify the extent of the damage and the necessary repairs.

Repairs and Prevention

Repairs for roof leaks and related water damage will depend on the extent of the damage and the cause of the leak. Minor leaks may require replacing or patching damaged shingles or repairing damaged flashing. More extensive water damage may require professional assistance to address structural damage, insulation replacement, or mold remediation. Regular maintenance, such as gutter cleaning, replacing damaged shingles or flashing, and inspecting for structural damage, can prevent costly repairs due to prolonged exposure to water.

Safety Measures

Roof leaks and resulting water damage can create safety hazards, such as electrical risks, falling debris, and slippery surfaces. It is essential to prioritize safety during inspection and repair processes, especially when working on sloped roofs or carrying out electrical repairs. Engaging professional contractors ensures adherence to safety regulations and minimizes the risk of accidents or further damage.

Insurance Claims

Water damage caused by roof leaks may be covered by homeowner’s insurance policies. It is vital to document the damage and repair processes to file insurance claims successfully. Professional contractors can provide detailed reports and documentation for insurance purposes.

Detecting roof leaks and addressing resulting water damage promptly is crucial in preventing further damage and promoting inhabitant safety. Regular maintenance, thorough inspections, and appropriate repairs can ensure the longevity and stability of the roof while minimizing damage. Homeowners must engage professional contractors to address roof leaks and water damage and safeguard their homes. Give SERVPRO of West Jordan a call today to help detect roof leaks from water damage.

Water Damage. The Importance of Professional Water Extraction Services

10/17/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage can occur in a variety of ways, from natural disasters to burst pipes or leaking appliances. No matter the cause, water can quickly saturate your home and lead to significant damage if not addressed immediately. A crucial factor in mitigating this damage is professional water extraction services. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of hiring professionals for water extraction services and the benefits that come with their expertise.

Rapid Response

When you experience water damage, a quick response is vital to limit the damage. Professional water extraction services can quickly identify the source of the water damage, assess the extent of the damage, and initiate the extraction process promptly. With their experience and specialized equipment, they can extract water faster and more efficiently than you could on your own, helping to prevent further damage to your property.

Prevents Structural Damage

Water can cause significant damage to your home's structure and foundation. Over time, water can seep into floors, walls, and ceilings, leading to warping, swelling, and structural weakness. Professional water extraction services can remove water before it has a chance to cause significant damage, preserving the structural integrity of your home.

Reduces Risk of Mold and Mildew

Excessive moisture can lead to the growth of mold and mildew. These fungi thrive in damp and humid conditions, and it can take as little as 48 hours for mold to begin growing. Professional water extraction services can remove water quickly to reduce the potential for mold growth, minimizing the risk of adverse health effects and costly mold remediation services in the future.

Saves Possessions and Belongings

Water damage can be devastating to your personal belongings and treasured possessions. Furniture, electronics, clothing, and sentimental items are all vulnerable to water damage. Professional water extraction services can help save these items by removing water quickly and implementing specialized techniques to dry and restore them. This service can make a significant difference in minimizing financial and emotional losses due to water damage.

Ensures Proper Cleanup and Sanitization

In addition to extracting water, professional water extraction services also provide comprehensive cleanup and sanitization services. Water damage can lead to unsafe living conditions, which can include bacteria and other harmful pathogens. Professional services have the necessary equipment, training, and experience to identify and eliminate potential threats, ensuring your safety and the safety of your family.

Water damage is a severe issue that requires prompt attention and an effective response. Professional water extraction services are a vital component in mitigating the extent of water damage and restoring your property to its pre-damage condition. Their expertise, specialized equipment, and rapid response are essential to prevent further damage, preserve your personal belongings, and ensure a safe and sanitary environment. Remember, when it comes to water damage, timely and professional actions can make a world of difference in minimizing the impact on your home and your life.

Preparing for Landslides. Tips for Homeowners

9/12/2023 (Permalink)

Living in the Pacific Northwest offers breathtaking landscapes and picturesque views, but it also comes with the risk of natural disasters, such as landslides. With its hilly terrain and heavy rainfall, the region is susceptible to landslides, which can cause significant damage to homes and pose a threat to residents. In this blog post, we will discuss essential tips for homeowners to prepare for landslides in the Northwest.

Understand the Risks

The first step in preparing for landslides is to understand the risks specific to your area. Consult with local authorities, geological surveys, or environmental agencies to determine if your property is located in a high-risk landslide zone. These organizations provide valuable information about the history of landslides in your area and can help you assess the potential risks to your home.

Education is key when it comes to landslides. Learn about the signs that indicate a landslide may occur, such as sudden or gradual changes in landscape or the appearance of cracks on the ground or walls. Teach your family members, especially children, about what to do in the event of a landslide, including evacuation routes and safe areas to seek shelter.

Create an Emergency Plan

Developing an emergency plan is essential for any natural disaster, including landslides. Create a plan that outlines evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and a communication strategy for your family. Assign responsibilities to each family member, ensuring that everyone knows their role during an emergency situation. Practice your emergency plan regularly to ensure that everyone is familiar with the protocols.

Take proactive steps to secure your property and minimize the risk of landslides. Clear any debris or loose vegetation from slopes surrounding your home, as these can contribute to soil erosion. Plant native species or install retaining walls to help stabilize the ground. Ensure that your property's drainage system is well-maintained and functioning properly, diverting water away from vulnerable areas.

Monitor the Environment

Regularly monitor the environment for signs of instability. Keep an eye out for changes in water flow, excessive soil erosion, or new cracks appearing on the ground or walls. If you notice any of these signs, consult with a geotechnical professional or local authorities to assess the situation and determine appropriate actions.

Stay informed about local weather conditions and any landslide warnings issued by authorities. Pay attention to rainfall levels, as heavy or prolonged periods of rain can increase the risk of landslides. Subscribe to local emergency notification systems and download relevant apps that provide real-time updates about weather conditions and landslide alerts.

Protect Your Valuables

Take steps to protect your valuable belongings from potential landslide damage. Store important documents, such as insurance policies and legal documents, in a waterproof and fireproof safe. Keep a backup of important digital files and store it away from your home. Consider obtaining landslide insurance to secure adequate coverage for potential damages.

Being prepared for landslides is crucial for homeowners in the Northwest. Remember to consult with local authorities or professionals for specific guidance tailored to your area. By taking these precautions, you can take an active role in safeguarding your home and reducing the potential impact of landslides on your community.

How to Take Care of Pipe Breaks: Essential Steps for Damage Control

7/27/2023 (Permalink)

Dealing with a pipe break in your home or business can be a stressful and potentially damaging situation. A burst or leaking pipe can lead to water damage, property loss, and disruption of daily activities. Knowing how to take immediate action is crucial to minimize the impact of a pipe break and prevent further damage. In this blog, we will outline essential steps to help you take care of pipe breaks effectively.

Shut off the Water

The first and most crucial step when dealing with a pipe break is to shut off the water supply. Locate the main water shut-off valve, typically found near the water meter or where the main water line enters the building. Turn the valve clockwise to stop the flow of water and prevent additional flooding.

Assess the Damage

Once the water supply is shut off, assess the extent of the damage caused by the pipe break. Check for standing water, visible leaks, and any signs of structural damage. Document the damage by taking photographs or videos for insurance purposes.

Drain the Pipes

To minimize further water damage, drain the remaining water from the pipes. Open all faucets and flush toilets to empty the water lines. This step helps alleviate pressure within the system and reduces the risk of additional leaks or bursts.

Remove Excess Water

Using mops, towels, or a wet/dry vacuum, remove standing water from affected areas. Promptly drying out the space helps prevent mold growth, water damage to flooring or walls, and potential structural issues.

Call a Professional

Contact a licensed plumber or restoration professional to assess the pipe break, repair or replace the damaged pipe, and address any related issues. Experienced professionals have the expertise and tools to handle pipe repairs efficiently and effectively.

Mitigate Water Damage

Take steps to mitigate water damage while waiting for professional assistance. Use fans or dehumidifiers to promote airflow and accelerate the drying process. Remove wet materials, such as carpets or furniture, to prevent further damage and potential mold growth.

Document and Notify

Document all damage, including photographs, videos, and written descriptions, to support insurance claims. Notify your insurance company as soon as possible to initiate the claims process and follow their instructions for filing a claim.

Preventive Measures

After the pipe break is resolved, consider taking preventive measures to avoid future incidents. Insulate exposed pipes, especially in areas prone to freezing temperatures, and consider installing water leak detection devices to provide early warning of potential leaks.

Dealing with a pipe break requires swift and decisive action to minimize water damage and protect your property. By shutting off the water supply, assessing the damage, draining the pipes, removing excess water, and contacting professionals for repairs, you can effectively manage a pipe break situation. Prompt action, documentation, and insurance claim filing are crucial for a smooth recovery process. Remember to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of future pipe breaks and ensure the long-term integrity of your plumbing system.

I have water dripping from my ceiling

3/4/2023 (Permalink)

If you have water dripping from your ceiling, it could be a sign of a serious problem that could result in thousands of dollars worth of damage. Water damage is one of the most common reasons for calling in a professional restoration company. Finding out the cause of a water loss can help save you thousands of dollars on your water damage to prevent as much damage as possible. You must notify your insurance company and get an inspection done as soon as possible.

What to do?

If you see water dripping from your ceiling, it's important to act quickly. Water damage can be serious and even cause mold growth if not taken care of immediately. That's why we recommend hiring a professional like SERVPRO to help you with your problem.

SERVPRO of West Jordan is the best company for the job. We have experienced technicians who know how to handle these situations without damaging anything else in your home or business space. They'll also make sure that all traces of moisture are removed before leaving so that there isn't any chance for mold or secondary damages.

Notify Insurance Company

You should notify your insurance company immediately. If you are not covered for water damage and need to pay out of pocket, call a professional to make the repairs. If you are covered, file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible so they can process it quickly and send someone out to assess the damage.

Attic Leaks

If you're having problems with water dripping from your light fixtures and ceilings, it's possible that there are leaks in the attic. Leaks can cause mold to grow in your home and cause secondary damages if not taken care of quickly, mold can lead to structural damage.

Pipe Repair

The best way to prevent water damage is to make sure you have a plumber inspect all pipes before any major remodeling projects. A professional can check for leaks, damage and other issues that may be causing your light fixtures to drip. If you notice dripping from a light fixture, turn off the power at the circuit breaker or fuse box and contact us immediately so that we can help with repairs as soon as possible.

Water damage can be a big headache, but it's not something you have to tackle alone. If you have any questions about your insurance policy or how to handle water damage in your home, contact SERVPRO of West Jordan today.

Water Damage in the Basement - What To Do

1/23/2023 (Permalink)

The water damage in your basement can cause a lot of problems. It can destroy your appliances, furniture, and personal belongings, and it can also lead to mold growth and structural damage. This article aims to provide you with some basic tips on how to identify water damage in the basement so that the issue gets addressed right away before it becomes worse. 

Signs of Basement Water Damage

Water damage in basements can be quite serious. If you notice any of the signs above, contact your local foundation contractor right away.

The sooner you address the problem, the easier it will be to fix. In some cases, however, the damage is already too far along for any simple repairs. If you notice that your basement has a persistent musty smell or if there are visible signs of water damage in your walls (such as cracks), call a professional right away.

Drying and Cleaning the Basement

Some basic steps to cleaning and drying out your basement after a water loss include: 

  • Remove all damaged materials, including wood, furniture, and carpeting.
  • Clean up as much moisture as possible.
  • If you believe that mold has started to grow in your basement, contact your local mold remediation specialist.

Mold Removal in the Basement

The basement is often a haven for mold. Water is the main cause of mold in basements, and it's common for water damage to occur throughout the year. Basement mold removal should be done by a professional, as well as any repairs necessary to prevent further issues with moisture penetration.

Mold can also be found in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. These are all areas that have water sources and humidity levels that are conducive to mold growth.

It's important to act quickly. 

Water damage can cause lasting problems if left unaddressed, so it's important to act quickly. The longer the water is left to dry, the more damage it can cause and the greater the chance of mold growth. If you notice a leak or flooding in your basement, call a professional immediately. 

There are many reasons your basement could be leaking. If you have a sump pump, it may not be working properly. A faulty pump can cause water to back up and leak into the basement, or it can fail altogether if neglected. If your sump pump is working but doesn't have enough power to drain the water away quickly enough, the excess can end up in your basement. Other causes of water damage in the basement include inclement weather such as flooding or heavy rain, as well as pipe and appliance leaks.

Water damage is a common problem in basements, but it can be dangerous if left untreated. If you’ve noticed any signs of water damage or mold growth in your basement, contact us as soon as possible for help with cleaning and drying out your space.

What Should I Do if I Have Water Dripping from my Light Fixtures?

11/6/2022 (Permalink)

What Should I Do if I Have Water Dripping from my Light Fixtures?

If you've noticed water dripping out of your light fixtures, don't panic. You may not have a leaky roof or plumbing issue. We'll help you identify if the source is condensation or rainwater so that you can correct it as soon as possible.

What causes water to drip out of my light fixtures?

If you notice water dripping from your light fixtures, it could indicate several things. If it's just a small amount of water, it may be due to condensation—a process that happens when warm air encounters cold surfaces.

Condensation can occur when temperature changes cause humid air in the home to cool rapidly and become saturated with moisture. When this happens, droplets form on windows or walls and drip down onto floors below. If left unchecked, this can lead to mold growth if there’s standing water on hard surfaces like wood floors or tile floors (which is why you should always wipe up spills immediately).

The same principle applies when warm air hits cooler surfaces inside your South Jordan, UT home as well: for example, if you have an ice-cold drink and put it down on a table without absorbing any heat from that surface first (i.e., setting something hot next to something cold), then condensation will form between them as they meet, and their respective temperatures equalize.

How can I tell if it is rainwater or condensation?

Let's start with the basics: condensation is normal. Condensation happens when warm, moist air encounters a cold surface and cools down quickly. This type of moisture is most often seen on glass windows in colder weather.

In contrast, rainwater can be a sign of roof damage or leaks that need to be addressed as soon as possible—especially if you're seeing it inside your home after rainfall has stopped! Rainwater also may be caused by frozen pipes expanding due to pressure buildup and breaking through the walls of your home.

To determine if it's rainwater or just condensation, check the outside of your house for visible signs of damage such as rotting wood or peeling paint around windows, doors, or eaves before seeking out professional help from an HVAC technician.

How do I fix water coming out of my light fixtures?

The first step is to turn off the power to the fixture. You want to be extra careful when working with electricity, so make sure that you have disconnected the power source before proceeding.

Next, remove the light bulb from your fixture. Since water can get into any part of your house, it's possible that there is some water inside of your lamp or fixture as well. If you're dealing with an old fixture that has a lot of dust buildup inside of it, this might be difficult.

Once you've cleaned out all remnants of water in or around your light fixture and removed any traces of mold or mildew growth on its surface (you may need vinegar-based cleaners), put everything back together again (make sure all parts are secure) and turn on power once again.

A professional can help you determine the cause and solution.

If you have water dripping from your light fixtures, it's a good idea to call in a professional. A professional can help you determine the cause and solution. You can contact a professional through a website or phone call or find one in your area by looking on the internet. If you have friends or family who have had this problem before, ask them for recommendations.

If you have a leaking light fixture, it is important to have it repaired as quickly as possible. A leak can cause serious damage to your home and belongings, not to mention the risk of water damage from moisture buildup. The best way to ensure that this does not happen is by contacting a professional who specializes in this type of work.

What Should You Do After a Pipe Bursts in Your Home?

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO drying equipment ready to remove moisture Water loss due to a broken pipe in a West Jordan, UT facility.

Bursting pipes in West Jordan, UT, can severely threaten your home and belongings. The steps that you take immediately after a broken plumbing incident can be the difference between a relatively easy repair or a costly long-term restoration project.

What Steps Should You Take?

Once the source of the flooding has been secured and there is no longer any water actively entering the home, there may be little time before the damage to your home becomes more extensive. Take the following steps to safeguard your home from further harm:

  • Immediately contact a qualified professional service that is equipped to handle water damage and fix a broken pipe.
  • Thoroughly inspect your home for any hidden wet areas so that you may point out the extent of the damage to the restoration professionals and rule out any other leak sources.
  • Check your drywall, carpets, floors, wallpaper and ceilings, as well as behind cabinets and inside closets, for evidence of water intrusion.

What Will a Professional Service Do?

Qualified professionals that specialize in the types of damage caused by bursting pipes should begin the water removal and restoration processes necessary to ensure that the initial primary damage does not result in any secondary damage. Primary damage is the immediate damage associated with materials in your home being wet or moist for a short period of time. Secondary damage is the direct result of primary damage not being managed properly. Secondary damage is much costlier to repair and much more difficult to detect. Examples of secondary damage include the following:

  • Mold
  • Crumbling drywall
  • Warped, cracked and/or splintered wooden floors

Many incidents of secondary damage caused by bursting pipes can remain dormant inside of the walls and floors of a residence for months. By then, it could be too late to take any corrective actions.

The sooner a qualified specialist can begin correcting the problem after water damage is discovered, the less likely it is that your home will suffer any expensive long-term harm. Call a professional as soon as an incident occurs.

How You Can Reduce Costs on Your Business Interruption Insurance Claims

6/13/2022 (Permalink)

How Can You Lower Your Business Interruption Insurance Claims Costs?

To compete as a successful business, you need consistency. Any interruptions to your operations can have detrimental effects. Natural disasters and similar incidents can make it impossible to work in your South Jordan, UT, building. For example, flooding can ruin equipment and destroy sensitive materials.

Business interruption insurance can compensate for your losses. There are steps you can take to lessen these losses. 

1. Have the Right Coverage

No business owner ever wants to deal with something such as a broken pipe. Other issues can cause widespread damage to the workplace. However, it's important to be prepared. Business interruption insurance will cover losses such as equipment, furniture, and building materials. It can also compensate for lost revenue and the cost to restore or rebuild your office. When you select a plan, make sure you pick enough coverage. 

2. Call the Professionals Quickly

In the event of large water damage in the workplace, there is no time to lose. You'll want to contact a professional flood cleanup company as soon as possible. Technicians will assess the damage and estimate how much it will cost to restore the building. The company will communicate with your insurance provider in handling the claim. The sooner you start the recovery process, the less damage there may be. 

3. Be Conscientious 

To avoid large business insurance claims, you should do your part to prevent incidents in the workplace. Reduce the risks of flooding by inspecting the plumbing in your building often. Properly maintain the pipes and other components of the plumbing. Have a professional address concern immediately so they don't become worse and lead to more extensive problems. 

Flooding in your office could be costly. Luckily, business interruption insurance can lighten your financial burden. To keep your claims down in the event of an emergency, follow these guidelines. 

Can a Noisy Water Heater Pose a Problem?

4/30/2022 (Permalink)

Can A Noisy Water Heater Be An Issue?

Water heaters may make popping or rumbling noises if you have hard water in Daybreak, UT, or it has been a while since you flushed the tank of this appliance. Find out why these noises occur and whether water heater sounds might indicate potential problems that could cause this appliance to malfunction.

Sediment Is a Common Cause of Sounds

Water that is referred to as being “hard” contains high concentrations of calcium and magnesium. The following minerals tend to contribute to the deposits called “scale”:

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Calcium sulfate
  • Magnesium hydroxide

Particles of these minerals settle at the bottom of a tank and act as an insulator. The sounds coming from this appliance are caused by steam bubbles that rise and then become trapped. A heater with a rusted tank can also leak and cause water damage.

Scale Makes a Water Heater Work Harder

Sediment can keep the heating element from efficiently raising water temperature. Reduced tank volume may limit the hot water supply, and water from faucets or showerheads may fluctuate in temperature from very hot to lukewarm. Over time, buildup shortens the life of a heating element.

Flush the Tank To Remove Residue

Eliminate buildup by doing a water heater flush. Shut off the breaker to an electric heater or set a gas heater to pilot. Close the water supply valve and wait for water in the tank to cool. Attach a hose to the drain valve and route the contents down a drain or outside. Drain and refill the tank until water runs clear. Close the drain valve and reconnect the heater.

A noisy water heater may not fail immediately, but the heating element will have to work harder, which shortens the operating life of the appliance. Depending on the hardness of water in Daybreak, UT, a homeowner may want to regularly flush out a heater tank.

How To Identify and Resolve Wetness in Your Home’s Crawl Space

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

Truck from a restoration company SERVPRO is your local water, flood, and fire damage restoration professional. Call SERVPRO today to learn more about how we can help!

How To Recognize And Treat Wetness In Your Crawl Space

There is a new way to research an insurance claim, and it is being offered to insurance agents through one of the highest rated disaster restoration firms in the South Jordan, UT, area. SERVPRO has created a claims database to help restructure the approach to claims research. The system helps agents quickly and efficiently appraise claims to help move the approval process along.

1. Claims Information Center

The Claims Information Center or the CIC is a collection of claims information for any insurance agent performing research. Agents can research by the type of claim or the cause of loss and find regional and localized information, helping them better prepare their assessment.

2. Claims Database

The actual database used by the CIC system is ReportER. When an insurance claim or estimate is created, it is uploaded into the system where it can be monitored by the insurer as it progresses from an estimate to a work in progress and finally a completed job. All of this information is accessible through the Managed Dashboard.

3. Management Dashboard

The Managed Dashboard is an agent’s way of keeping tabs on claims and ensuring that progress is being made. The dashboard also acts as the entry point into the CIC system, allowing insurers to research and compare different estimates and outcomes.

The insurance claim process can be complicated for agents. They are having to juggle multiple claims every day and having to research those claims to ensure accuracy. SERVPRO has created the Claims Information Center that utilizes the ReportER database to help agents prepare and rectify claims. While the research alone makes this tool priceless, it is the managed dashboard where agents will find the most use. This dashboard allows them to organize claims by the level of completion and helps them to organize their research. The CIC system truly helps to make a difficult process tolerable.

Is Water Damage Preventable?

1/17/2022 (Permalink)

Drying Equipment After Water Damage SERVPRO has a team of licensed water damage restoration professionals who are ready to restore your home or business after storm damage at any time.

Is It Possible To Avoid Water Damage?

It is not possible to rule out every kind of water damage. A flood or another unexpected event can introduce water to dry areas of a residence in West Jordan, UT. Homeowners should take measures to limit the likelihood of unwanted water in home due to broken pipes, leaky appliances, or a damaged roof.

Pipe Breaks

Pipes typically break due to damage or pressure build-up caused by a blockage. There are several ways to prevent either issue from arising:

  • Have plumbing regularly inspected
  • Insulate pipes and drip faucets in below-freezing weather
  • Shut off water during trips out of town

A broken pipe can quickly cause extensive damage. As soon as a homeowner notices a pipe has burst, he or she should shut off the main water supply and try to remove as much water as possible. A water damage restoration company can be helpful for pipe cleanup.

Appliance Leaks

Appliance leaks are another common cause of water in home. Regular inspection of dishwashers, HVAC units, water heaters, and washing machines can prevent leaks from becoming severe. Leaks may become apparent in several places:

  • Around or under the appliance
  • Near supply hoses
  • Near drainage

Keep in mind that condensation may tend to develop in certain parts of a home. This moisture is not caused by a leak, but should be prevented if possible.

Roof Leaks

Roof leaks may start subtly and result in major damage to insulation, ceilings, or interiors. Regularly inspect the condition of a roof and look for damaged or missing shingles or pooling water. Homeowners may want to schedule a professional inspection annually or after severe storms.

Regular inspections of plumbing, appliances, and roofing can identify potential causes of water in home damage. Homeowners may perform periodic inspections, but licensed plumbers, appliance specialists, and roofers can recommend maintenance that could prevent water damage at a residence in West Jordan, UT.