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Archived Blog Posts

Preparing for Landslides. Tips for Homeowners

9/12/2023 (Permalink)

Living in the Pacific Northwest offers breathtaking landscapes and picturesque views, but it also comes with the risk of natural disasters, such as landslides. With its hilly terrain and heavy rainfall, the region is susceptible to landslides, which can cause significant damage to homes and pose a threat to residents. In this blog post, we will discuss essential tips for homeowners to prepare for landslides in the Northwest.

Understand the Risks

The first step in preparing for landslides is to understand the risks specific to your area. Consult with local authorities, geological surveys, or environmental agencies to determine if your property is located in a high-risk landslide zone. These organizations provide valuable information about the history of landslides in your area and can help you assess the potential risks to your home.

Education is key when it comes to landslides. Learn about the signs that indicate a landslide may occur, such as sudden or gradual changes in landscape or the appearance of cracks on the ground or walls. Teach your family members, especially children, about what to do in the event of a landslide, including evacuation routes and safe areas to seek shelter.

Create an Emergency Plan

Developing an emergency plan is essential for any natural disaster, including landslides. Create a plan that outlines evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and a communication strategy for your family. Assign responsibilities to each family member, ensuring that everyone knows their role during an emergency situation. Practice your emergency plan regularly to ensure that everyone is familiar with the protocols.

Take proactive steps to secure your property and minimize the risk of landslides. Clear any debris or loose vegetation from slopes surrounding your home, as these can contribute to soil erosion. Plant native species or install retaining walls to help stabilize the ground. Ensure that your property's drainage system is well-maintained and functioning properly, diverting water away from vulnerable areas.

Monitor the Environment

Regularly monitor the environment for signs of instability. Keep an eye out for changes in water flow, excessive soil erosion, or new cracks appearing on the ground or walls. If you notice any of these signs, consult with a geotechnical professional or local authorities to assess the situation and determine appropriate actions.

Stay informed about local weather conditions and any landslide warnings issued by authorities. Pay attention to rainfall levels, as heavy or prolonged periods of rain can increase the risk of landslides. Subscribe to local emergency notification systems and download relevant apps that provide real-time updates about weather conditions and landslide alerts.

Protect Your Valuables

Take steps to protect your valuable belongings from potential landslide damage. Store important documents, such as insurance policies and legal documents, in a waterproof and fireproof safe. Keep a backup of important digital files and store it away from your home. Consider obtaining landslide insurance to secure adequate coverage for potential damages.

Being prepared for landslides is crucial for homeowners in the Northwest. Remember to consult with local authorities or professionals for specific guidance tailored to your area. By taking these precautions, you can take an active role in safeguarding your home and reducing the potential impact of landslides on your community.

Leading causes of Home Fires. Stay Informed and Stay Safe

8/9/2023 (Permalink)

Home fires can be devastating, causing not only property damage but also posing a significant risk to the lives of you and your loved ones. Understanding the leading causes of home fires is essential for prevention and ensuring the safety of your home. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common causes of home fires and provide tips on how to prevent them.

Cooking Accidents

Cooking is a common activity in every household, making it one of the leading causes of home fires. Unattended cooking, grease fires, and misuse of cooking equipment can all lead to a dangerous situation. To prevent cooking-related fires, never leave the kitchen unattended while cooking, ensure that flammable items are kept away from heat sources, and have a fire extinguisher readily accessible.

Heating Equipment

Heating equipment, including space heaters, chimneys, and furnaces, accounts for a significant number of home fires. Improper use, lack of maintenance, or malfunctioning equipment can lead to fires. To avoid heating-related fires, make sure to follow manufacturer instructions, keep flammable items away from heating sources, and have your heating equipment inspected regularly.

Electrical Malfunctions

Faulty electrical wiring, overloaded circuits, and misused electrical equipment all contribute to electrical fires. It's important to have your electrical system regularly inspected by a professional to ensure its safety. Avoid overloading outlets, use proper extension cords, and replace damaged cords or appliances promptly to reduce the risk of electrical fires.


Smoking materials, such as cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, are a leading cause of fatal home fires. Smoking inside, falling asleep with lit cigarettes, and improperly disposing of smoking materials can all result in a fire. To prevent smoking-related fires, avoid smoking indoors, use deep ashtrays, ensure proper extinguishment of smoking materials, and never smoke under the influence of medication or alcohol.


Candles may create a cozy atmosphere, but they can also present a fire hazard if not used safely. Never leave candles unattended, keep them away from flammable items, use sturdy candle holders, and consider using flameless alternatives, such as battery-operated candles or wax warmers.

Flammable Liquids

Storing flammable liquids improperly can lead to catastrophic fires. Keep flammable liquids in designated containers, away from heat sources, and in well-ventilated areas. Follow storage and handling instructions carefully to prevent accidents.

Candles may create a warm and inviting atmosphere, but if not used with caution, they can quickly become a fire risk. Always keep candles within sight, away from flammable materials, and extinguish them before leaving the room or going to sleep.

Faulty or Misused Appliances

Appliances that are defective, damaged, or misused can be fire hazards. Regularly inspect your appliances for any signs of wear or damage, and follow manufacturer instructions for proper use and maintenance.

Awareness and prevention are key to reducing the risk of home fires. By understanding the leading causes of home fires and implementing safety measures, you can protect your home and loved ones. Stay vigilant, practice fire safety habits, and consider installing smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in key areas of your home. Remember, fire prevention starts with you.

How to Take Care of Pipe Breaks: Essential Steps for Damage Control

7/27/2023 (Permalink)

Dealing with a pipe break in your home or business can be a stressful and potentially damaging situation. A burst or leaking pipe can lead to water damage, property loss, and disruption of daily activities. Knowing how to take immediate action is crucial to minimize the impact of a pipe break and prevent further damage. In this blog, we will outline essential steps to help you take care of pipe breaks effectively.

Shut off the Water

The first and most crucial step when dealing with a pipe break is to shut off the water supply. Locate the main water shut-off valve, typically found near the water meter or where the main water line enters the building. Turn the valve clockwise to stop the flow of water and prevent additional flooding.

Assess the Damage

Once the water supply is shut off, assess the extent of the damage caused by the pipe break. Check for standing water, visible leaks, and any signs of structural damage. Document the damage by taking photographs or videos for insurance purposes.

Drain the Pipes

To minimize further water damage, drain the remaining water from the pipes. Open all faucets and flush toilets to empty the water lines. This step helps alleviate pressure within the system and reduces the risk of additional leaks or bursts.

Remove Excess Water

Using mops, towels, or a wet/dry vacuum, remove standing water from affected areas. Promptly drying out the space helps prevent mold growth, water damage to flooring or walls, and potential structural issues.

Call a Professional

Contact a licensed plumber or restoration professional to assess the pipe break, repair or replace the damaged pipe, and address any related issues. Experienced professionals have the expertise and tools to handle pipe repairs efficiently and effectively.

Mitigate Water Damage

Take steps to mitigate water damage while waiting for professional assistance. Use fans or dehumidifiers to promote airflow and accelerate the drying process. Remove wet materials, such as carpets or furniture, to prevent further damage and potential mold growth.

Document and Notify

Document all damage, including photographs, videos, and written descriptions, to support insurance claims. Notify your insurance company as soon as possible to initiate the claims process and follow their instructions for filing a claim.

Preventive Measures

After the pipe break is resolved, consider taking preventive measures to avoid future incidents. Insulate exposed pipes, especially in areas prone to freezing temperatures, and consider installing water leak detection devices to provide early warning of potential leaks.

Dealing with a pipe break requires swift and decisive action to minimize water damage and protect your property. By shutting off the water supply, assessing the damage, draining the pipes, removing excess water, and contacting professionals for repairs, you can effectively manage a pipe break situation. Prompt action, documentation, and insurance claim filing are crucial for a smooth recovery process. Remember to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of future pipe breaks and ensure the long-term integrity of your plumbing system.

6 Essential Steps to Take After Storm Damages Your Property

6/11/2023 (Permalink)

Natural disasters such as storms can cause significant damage to buildings and properties. If your building has been impacted by a storm, it's essential to take immediate action to assess and address any damage. Here are some steps to take after a storm.

Safety first

Ensure the safety of everyone in the building before attempting to assess the damage. If there are any hazards, such as downed power lines or gas leaks, evacuate the building and call the appropriate authorities.

Document the damage

Take photos or videos of the damage to provide evidence for insurance claims. Record the date and time of the damage and any relevant details, such as wind speeds or rainfall amounts.

Secure the building

Board up broken windows, tarp over damaged roofs, and secure any openings to prevent further damage or unauthorized entry.

Contact your insurance company

Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to report the damage and begin the claims process. Provide them with photos and other documentation to support your claim.

Hire a professional restoration company

A professional restoration company can help assess the damage and develop a plan for restoring the building to its preloss condition. They can also help mitigate further damage and prevent mold growth.

Clean up debris

Remove any debris or fallen trees from the building's surroundings to prevent further damage or injuries. Take steps to prepare your building for future storms, such as reinforcing windows and doors, securing outdoor items, and trimming trees. Keep track of all expenses related to the storm damage, such as repairs, restoration costs, and temporary living arrangements. This will help with insurance claims and may be tax-deductible.

It's worth noting that some types of storm damage may not be immediately visible or apparent. For example, water damage may not become apparent until days or weeks after a storm, which can lead to mold growth and further damage. It's important to thoroughly inspect the building for any signs of damage, including water stains, musty odors, or warped walls or floors. If you suspect water damage, it's essential to contact a professional restoration company that specializes in water damage mitigation and restoration. They can help identify and address any underlying issues and prevent further damage to the building. By taking a proactive approach to storm damage, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in the building and minimize the long-term impact of the storm.

In conclusion, storm damage can be devastating, but taking these steps can help you minimize the damage and begin the process of recovery. By prioritizing safety, documenting the damage, contacting insurance, hiring professionals, cleaning up debris, keeping records, and preparing for future storms, you can help protect your building and its occupants.

SERVPRO'S 2023 Firefighter Challenge is in July!

6/6/2023 (Permalink)

Firefighters after winning the SERVPRO firefighter challenge Support local first responders and heroes during our SERVPRO Firefighter Challenge in July! It will be in Murray Park.

Who will bring the Best of Utah 2023 trophy back to their station this year? We'll find out on July 19-22nd, when Utah's best firefighters will bring the heat at this year's SERVPRO Firefighter Challenge! It’s going to be an exciting and unforgettable event  as we cheer on our brave firefighters in the Firefighter West Region Challenge at Murray Park. 

As a title sponsor of the event, SERVPRO corporate and many SERVPRO’s in Utah came together to sponsor a Make-A-Wish child and grant them their wish! The Make-A-Wish Foundation is the beneficiary for the Firefighter Challenge. As part of the sponsoring SERVPRO's, SERVPRO of West Jordan is excited to celebrate our local first responders! 

During this event, firefighters from all over Utah will display true bravery and teamwork in the SERVPRO Firefighter Challenge. This challenge includes a set of obstacles specifically made for firefighters. These firefighters wear their full protective gear, use their tools and compete to be the quickest and most thorough firefighters in Utah! Come witness their determination and courage as they battle for the trophy. 

We are currently preparing for the event and looking for volunteers to help make this weekend a success! Click the link here to register: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e4aada922aa8-SERVPRO#/

We can’t wait to come together to support and honor local heroes as we cheer them on to victory!

Keeping Your Employees Safe During Mold Removal: Tips and Best Practices

5/17/2023 (Permalink)

Mold growth in the workplace can be a serious issue, and it's important to address it promptly and effectively. However, mold remediation can also be a hazardous process, and it's essential to take steps to keep your employees safe during the removal process. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and best practices to help ensure the safety of your employees during mold removal.

Conduct a thorough risk assessment

Before any mold removal work begins, it's essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment of the affected area. This assessment should identify any potential hazards, such as electrical wiring or plumbing, that could pose a risk to workers during the removal process. It's also important to assess the potential exposure of workers to mold spores and other contaminants.

Provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for keeping workers safe during mold removal. The type of PPE required will depend on the level of risk identified in the risk assessment. At a minimum, workers should wear gloves, eye protection, and respiratory protection to prevent exposure to mold spores and other contaminants.

Ensure proper ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential during mold removal to prevent the buildup of mold spores and other contaminants in the air. This can be achieved through the use of industrial-strength fans or through the use of negative air pressure, which involves creating a vacuum to draw contaminated air out of the affected area.

Train workers in proper mold removal techniques

Proper training is essential for ensuring that workers understand how to remove mold safely and effectively. This includes understanding how to use PPE properly, how to handle contaminated materials, and how to dispose of moldy materials safely. Workers should also be trained in the proper use of cleaning agents and equipment.

Follow industry best practices

There are established best practices for mold removal, and it's important to follow these guidelines to ensure the safety of workers. These guidelines include using appropriate cleaning agents, sealing off the affected area, and disposing of contaminated materials properly.

Monitor worker exposure

During the mold removal process, it's important to monitor the exposure of workers to mold spores and other contaminants. This can be achieved through the use of air monitoring equipment, which can detect the presence of mold spores in the air. Monitoring worker exposure can help identify any potential risks and allow for appropriate measures to be taken to protect workers.

In conclusion, mold remediation can be a hazardous process, but there are steps you can take to keep your employees safe during the removal process. Conducting a thorough risk assessment, providing appropriate PPE, ensuring proper ventilation, training workers in proper mold removal techniques, following industry best practices, and monitoring worker exposure can all help ensure the safety of workers during mold removal. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your workplace is a safe and healthy environment for all employees.

Restoring Your Life: The Importance of Content Cleaning in the Aftermath of Fire Damage

5/6/2023 (Permalink)

As a homeowner or business owner, one of the most devastating things that can happen to your property is a fire. In addition to the physical damage caused by the flames, smoke and soot can also wreak havoc on your space. After the fire has been put out and everyone is safe, the next step is to begin the process of cleaning up and restoring your property. One crucial step in this process is content cleaning.

What is content cleaning?

Content cleaning is the process of cleaning and restoring the personal belongings and other contents of a property that have been affected by fire damage. This can include everything from furniture and electronics to clothing and other sentimental items. The goal of content cleaning is to salvage as many items as possible and return them to their pre-fire condition.

Assess the Damage

The first step in content cleaning is to assess the damage and determine which items are salvageable. This is typically done by a professional restoration company, who will inspect each item and determine the best course of action. Items that are severely damaged may need to be disposed of, while others can be restored through cleaning and other techniques.

Clean and Restore

Once the items have been assessed, the next step is to clean and restore them. This can involve a variety of techniques, including dry cleaning, wet cleaning, and specialized treatments for electronics and other sensitive items. The restoration company will work carefully to ensure that each item is cleaned and restored to the best of their ability.

It's important to note that content cleaning is not just about salvaging personal belongings. It's also a vital step in the overall restoration process. Smoke and soot can penetrate deep into walls, floors, and other surfaces, and can continue to cause damage if not properly cleaned. By thoroughly cleaning and restoring all contents of the property, restoration companies can ensure that no trace of smoke or soot remains.

Restore Property

In addition to content cleaning, there are other steps that can be taken to restore a property after fire damage. This can include structural repairs, odor removal, and mold remediation. It's important to work with a professional restoration company that has experience in all aspects of fire damage restoration to ensure that your property is restored to its pre-fire condition.

In conclusion, content cleaning is a crucial step in the process of restoring a property after fire damage. By carefully assessing and restoring personal belongings and other contents, restoration companies can ensure that no trace of smoke or soot remains, and that the property is fully restored to its pre-fire condition. If you've experienced fire damage, it's important to work with a professional restoration company to ensure that your property is properly restored and that you can get back to your normal life as quickly as possible.

I have water dripping from my ceiling

3/4/2023 (Permalink)

If you have water dripping from your ceiling, it could be a sign of a serious problem that could result in thousands of dollars worth of damage. Water damage is one of the most common reasons for calling in a professional restoration company. Finding out the cause of a water loss can help save you thousands of dollars on your water damage to prevent as much damage as possible. You must notify your insurance company and get an inspection done as soon as possible.

What to do?

If you see water dripping from your ceiling, it's important to act quickly. Water damage can be serious and even cause mold growth if not taken care of immediately. That's why we recommend hiring a professional like SERVPRO to help you with your problem.

SERVPRO of West Jordan is the best company for the job. We have experienced technicians who know how to handle these situations without damaging anything else in your home or business space. They'll also make sure that all traces of moisture are removed before leaving so that there isn't any chance for mold or secondary damages.

Notify Insurance Company

You should notify your insurance company immediately. If you are not covered for water damage and need to pay out of pocket, call a professional to make the repairs. If you are covered, file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible so they can process it quickly and send someone out to assess the damage.

Attic Leaks

If you're having problems with water dripping from your light fixtures and ceilings, it's possible that there are leaks in the attic. Leaks can cause mold to grow in your home and cause secondary damages if not taken care of quickly, mold can lead to structural damage.

Pipe Repair

The best way to prevent water damage is to make sure you have a plumber inspect all pipes before any major remodeling projects. A professional can check for leaks, damage and other issues that may be causing your light fixtures to drip. If you notice dripping from a light fixture, turn off the power at the circuit breaker or fuse box and contact us immediately so that we can help with repairs as soon as possible.

Water damage can be a big headache, but it's not something you have to tackle alone. If you have any questions about your insurance policy or how to handle water damage in your home, contact SERVPRO of West Jordan today.

Basic Facts About Mold

2/13/2023 (Permalink)

Molds are fungi that grow on organic matter, such as wood and food. They're common in nature, but they can also grow in your home or business if you have moisture problems. Here are some basic facts about mold:

Mold is a type of fungi.

Mold is a type of fungus. The word “fungus” comes from Latin, meaning “mushroom” or “sponge.” Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that do not have chlorophyll and produce spores for reproduction. They grow in either the presence or absence of light, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

Fungi are classified as protists (single-celled organisms), but they don't fit neatly into this category because they have characteristics that are not found in other protists (like plants).

Molds are found indoors and outdoors.

Molds are found indoors and outdoors. The spores can be found on surfaces, in the air, and even in the soil.

Mold spores can be found everywhere: on walls, windowsills, furniture, and other products you use daily. The spores can easily spread from surfaces into the air. This is how easy it is to spread mold within your home. Mold spores can easily be introduced into your home through your open doors, windows, and even your HVAC unit. The presence of mold spores does not mean that you have a damaging mold infestation in your home or business. It isn't until the spores are introduced to a source of water, such as a water leak or excess humidity, that the mold can begin to grow, spread, and cause serious damage.

How common is mold?

Mold is very common in homes and businesses. In fact, it's estimated that anywhere from 40-50% of homes have mold problems. Mold can be found in many areas of your home or business, including:

  • Carpeting and fabric
  • Upholstery
  • Woodwork or other porous surfaces

Mold can also grow on food. If you find mold growing on fruits or vegetables in your refrigerator, throw them away immediately.

How to keep mold out of your home or business?

Though it is impossible to completely prevent the chances of a mold infestation breaking out on your property, there are several steps to take to reduce the risks of a mold infestation, including:

  • Keep the humidity in your home below 50%.
  • Clean up leaks quickly.
  • Keep your building well-ventilated.
  • Keep humid areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, attics, and basements well-ventilated.

Be careful!

If you do find mold, it's important to act immediately. Mold can spread quickly and cause serious damage if left untreated. The best course of action after discovering a mold infestation is to call a professional for help.

Mold is a type of fungus that grows on decaying organic matter. It can also grow indoors and outdoors, but when it does grow indoors it can be damaging to your property and belongings. If you see mold anywhere in your home or business, you should call a professional for help as quickly as possible in order to prevent any further damage.

Water Damage in the Basement - What To Do

1/23/2023 (Permalink)

The water damage in your basement can cause a lot of problems. It can destroy your appliances, furniture, and personal belongings, and it can also lead to mold growth and structural damage. This article aims to provide you with some basic tips on how to identify water damage in the basement so that the issue gets addressed right away before it becomes worse. 

Signs of Basement Water Damage

Water damage in basements can be quite serious. If you notice any of the signs above, contact your local foundation contractor right away.

The sooner you address the problem, the easier it will be to fix. In some cases, however, the damage is already too far along for any simple repairs. If you notice that your basement has a persistent musty smell or if there are visible signs of water damage in your walls (such as cracks), call a professional right away.

Drying and Cleaning the Basement

Some basic steps to cleaning and drying out your basement after a water loss include: 

  • Remove all damaged materials, including wood, furniture, and carpeting.
  • Clean up as much moisture as possible.
  • If you believe that mold has started to grow in your basement, contact your local mold remediation specialist.

Mold Removal in the Basement

The basement is often a haven for mold. Water is the main cause of mold in basements, and it's common for water damage to occur throughout the year. Basement mold removal should be done by a professional, as well as any repairs necessary to prevent further issues with moisture penetration.

Mold can also be found in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. These are all areas that have water sources and humidity levels that are conducive to mold growth.

It's important to act quickly. 

Water damage can cause lasting problems if left unaddressed, so it's important to act quickly. The longer the water is left to dry, the more damage it can cause and the greater the chance of mold growth. If you notice a leak or flooding in your basement, call a professional immediately. 

There are many reasons your basement could be leaking. If you have a sump pump, it may not be working properly. A faulty pump can cause water to back up and leak into the basement, or it can fail altogether if neglected. If your sump pump is working but doesn't have enough power to drain the water away quickly enough, the excess can end up in your basement. Other causes of water damage in the basement include inclement weather such as flooding or heavy rain, as well as pipe and appliance leaks.

Water damage is a common problem in basements, but it can be dangerous if left untreated. If you’ve noticed any signs of water damage or mold growth in your basement, contact us as soon as possible for help with cleaning and drying out your space.

How to Limit Business Interruption When Facing Smoke Damage

12/20/2022 (Permalink)

Kitchen fire leaving soot damage Fires are unpredictable, but there are many things that we can do to prepare for them and minimize the damage.

How to Limit Business Interruption When Facing Smoke Damage

While fires are unpredictable, there are many things that we can do to prepare for them and minimize the damage. Fires in businesses can have a significant impact on your bottom line, so it's important to know what steps you need to take if it happens to you.

Determine the extent of your business interruption

When it comes to property insurance, many people associate business interruption coverage with a company's ability to replace lost income incurred from a fire or storm. But that's not what business interruption is. To be clear, business interruption insurance is an optional coverage that pays for lost profits caused by an insured event — like a fire or storm — and allows you to keep your doors open while you rebuild or repair the damage.

For example: say you run a restaurant and your stove catches on fire. Your business will have no way of making money until repairs are made and equipment replaced. Similarly, if there's enough smoke damage in your office building that it needs extensive cleaning before employees can return safely, this would also qualify as “business interruption” since no one will be able to work until after repairs are finished and workers can return safely.

Get in touch with a public adjuster

If you don't have a public adjuster and want to hire one, it can be hard to know where to start. A good first step is going online and searching for "public adjuster" in your region. You don't have to narrow down this search by city or state—just look for the term itself.

Once you've found a few public adjusters who seem appropriate, call them up and ask some questions: How long have they been doing business? What kind of clients do they work with? Do they specialize in smoke damage? How much does their service cost?

Contact your insurance company

It's important to understand that insurance companies are not. In fact, they can be very good at what they do. As such, it's vital that you contact your insurance company as soon as possible so that they know what happened and can help get things moving in the right direction.

Your first step here is to call them up and get a claim number. The sooner you have this information, the better off we'll be. Once you've gathered all your facts together, we'll need to determine whether or not it makes sense for us to file an actual insurance claim against our policy (which may entail more paperwork).

There are steps you can take to make sure your business interruption is limited after suffering smoke damage.

It is important to understand that your business interruption is a separate issue from the fire itself. You may be able to file for first-party coverage for property damage, but there will likely be limits on the amount of money you can recover for lost revenue and other expenses that result from smoke damage.

If your business has been damaged by a fire, you may be concerned with how long it will take to get it back up and running, and how much that downtime will cost.

When a fire hits your business, you’re going to want to get back up and running as soon as possible. You aren’t alone in this sentiment—the longer your facility is shuttered, the more it costs you in lost revenue and other ways. That said, there are ways to minimize these losses if you encounter smoke damage in your business. 

Be prepared before a disaster strikes.

One of the best things you can do to limit business interruption when facing smoke damage is to be prepared before a disaster strikes. Take time to understand and prepare for what could happen in your workplace, and you'll be better equipped to deal with any situation that arises.

For example: Having a fire plan can help prevent injury or death from fire and smoke exposure. You'll also want to make sure that you have fire extinguishers throughout the building, as well as smoke alarms installed (and tested) in every room throughout your workspace — this will alert people before they're exposed and give them time to get out safely if there's an emergency.

Another important thing is making sure that everyone knows where the nearest exit is located, so they know exactly where they need to go if there's ever any kind of problem with smoke or other hazardous materials in their area or building itself; having an escape ladder available just outside each floor makes this much easier because it means less walking distance needed once someone has been alerted about what's happening at hand! Finally: a good business interruption policy ensures everything runs smoothly during times like these when some unexpected event occurs like this one did earlier today.

Fires are unpredictable, but there are many things that we can do to prepare for them and minimize the damage.

Fires are unpredictable, but there are many things that we can do to prepare for them and minimize the damage.

You should have a fire plan in place. The plan should include:

  • A list of exit routes from your building and all rooms within it, including emergency exits and stairwells.
  • Where to look for all exits in case you need to use them in an emergency.
  • Locations of any fire extinguishers in the building, as well as how to use them properly.

You should also have a fire alarm system installed, which will alert people when there is smoke, or heat detected inside your business premises, so they know it's time to evacuate immediately. It's important that everyone knows what their role is during an evacuation because confusion during an emergency could lead to injury or worse! You should hold regular drills, so employees know how quickly they need move when an alarm sounds.

If you’ve suffered smoke damage to your business, it can be overwhelming. You may not know where to start or what steps to take next. But don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. We want to make sure that your business is back up and running as quickly as possible after a fire has hit so that no one loses money and time spent trying to repair the damage.

What Should I Do if I Have Water Dripping from my Light Fixtures?

11/6/2022 (Permalink)

What Should I Do if I Have Water Dripping from my Light Fixtures?

If you've noticed water dripping out of your light fixtures, don't panic. You may not have a leaky roof or plumbing issue. We'll help you identify if the source is condensation or rainwater so that you can correct it as soon as possible.

What causes water to drip out of my light fixtures?

If you notice water dripping from your light fixtures, it could indicate several things. If it's just a small amount of water, it may be due to condensation—a process that happens when warm air encounters cold surfaces.

Condensation can occur when temperature changes cause humid air in the home to cool rapidly and become saturated with moisture. When this happens, droplets form on windows or walls and drip down onto floors below. If left unchecked, this can lead to mold growth if there’s standing water on hard surfaces like wood floors or tile floors (which is why you should always wipe up spills immediately).

The same principle applies when warm air hits cooler surfaces inside your South Jordan, UT home as well: for example, if you have an ice-cold drink and put it down on a table without absorbing any heat from that surface first (i.e., setting something hot next to something cold), then condensation will form between them as they meet, and their respective temperatures equalize.

How can I tell if it is rainwater or condensation?

Let's start with the basics: condensation is normal. Condensation happens when warm, moist air encounters a cold surface and cools down quickly. This type of moisture is most often seen on glass windows in colder weather.

In contrast, rainwater can be a sign of roof damage or leaks that need to be addressed as soon as possible—especially if you're seeing it inside your home after rainfall has stopped! Rainwater also may be caused by frozen pipes expanding due to pressure buildup and breaking through the walls of your home.

To determine if it's rainwater or just condensation, check the outside of your house for visible signs of damage such as rotting wood or peeling paint around windows, doors, or eaves before seeking out professional help from an HVAC technician.

How do I fix water coming out of my light fixtures?

The first step is to turn off the power to the fixture. You want to be extra careful when working with electricity, so make sure that you have disconnected the power source before proceeding.

Next, remove the light bulb from your fixture. Since water can get into any part of your house, it's possible that there is some water inside of your lamp or fixture as well. If you're dealing with an old fixture that has a lot of dust buildup inside of it, this might be difficult.

Once you've cleaned out all remnants of water in or around your light fixture and removed any traces of mold or mildew growth on its surface (you may need vinegar-based cleaners), put everything back together again (make sure all parts are secure) and turn on power once again.

A professional can help you determine the cause and solution.

If you have water dripping from your light fixtures, it's a good idea to call in a professional. A professional can help you determine the cause and solution. You can contact a professional through a website or phone call or find one in your area by looking on the internet. If you have friends or family who have had this problem before, ask them for recommendations.

If you have a leaking light fixture, it is important to have it repaired as quickly as possible. A leak can cause serious damage to your home and belongings, not to mention the risk of water damage from moisture buildup. The best way to ensure that this does not happen is by contacting a professional who specializes in this type of work.

The Role of Business Interruption Insurance

10/18/2022 (Permalink)

What Is the Function of Business Interruption Insurance?

The role of business interruption insurance is to offset losses in income that occur after your business suffers an unexpected disaster. This policy may cover income lost due to a catastrophe as well as extra expenses resulting from the catastrophe. The insurance can also include coverage for fair rental value and civil authority provisions. 

When a disaster occurs, whether it is fire, water, or storm damage, the interruption to your business can be devastating.

Business interruption insurance covers loss of income when a covered peril causes physical damage to your business premises and/or equipment. It also provides coverage for additional expenses such as having to use an alternate location for your business operations whilst the primary premises are out of commission. 

Business interruption insurance will reimburse you for lost profits if you are unable to operate due to an insured loss or event that occurs during the policy term. You may elect loss of income on a specific percentage basis (e.g., 50% income) or on a dollar amount basis (e.g., $100 per day).

Business interruption insurance may cover income lost due to a catastrophe as well as extra expenses resulting from the catastrophe.

Business interruption insurance may cover income lost due to a catastrophe as well as extra expenses resulting from the catastrophe. The policy pays for loss of business income caused by a covered peril and pays for additional expenses such as wages, storage fees, and rentals to continue operating until the business is up and running again.

The amount of business interruption coverage you need depends on your business losses and potential profits. You can get this type of insurance through an excess-layer or primary policy. Some policies only cover one year at a time; others may be renewable annually or every 5 years based on your needs. Business interruption insurance is not intended to replace property coverage if there's damage done to your physical property during an event that causes you financial distress; instead, it provides financial support when natural events prevent you from conducting business as usual due to damages sustained in the community where your company operates—and beyond!

The insurance can also include coverage for fair rental value and civil authority provisions.

These provisions are meant to help you stay in business and make the best of a difficult situation, but they also have important implications for the insurance company. If you’re unable to resume normal operations within a reasonable amount of time, fair rental value will cover your loss of income from renting out your building or space as well as any other losses associated with rent payments. Civil authority provisions will pay for expenses incurred due to damage caused by civil authorities such as fire departments and police forces that arrive on the scene when an unexpected event occurs (such as a fire).


Business interruption insurance (BII) helps compensate you when your operations are suspended due to a covered event such as fire or flood damage caused by natural causes. The reason why these policies are referred to as "business interruption" policies is that the coverage applies only when you're unable to operate due to external forces beyond your control (such as nature's wrath). In contrast, should something happen internally at your company—for example, if employees go on strike—that would not qualify for BI coverage; only situations where there's no way anyone could have foreseen what happened would be covered by BI plans

What Is the Best Air Filter for Mold?

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

What Is the Best Mold Air Filter?

You probably want an easy answer when you ask for the best air filtration system to get mold spores out of your home. However, like anything else when it comes to home ownership in South Jordan, UT, choosing the right air purifier is far from simple. It's a balancing act that involves taking various factors into account.

The most common considerations in the area include:

  • Cost of the system
  • Type of unit
  • Effectiveness in mold removal or control

Whatever you choose, HEPA filter purifiers are generally the most effective. In a way, you could say that these filters are the best and choose whichever fits your individual restrictions in terms of budget, size, and other factors.


HEPA filters are designed to remove particles from the air in your home. Mold spores are particles, so you're using the right tool for the job when you choose these physical filtration systems. In contrast, some other technologies are mean to make the air smell better. You might want to use a combination of purifiers, but definitely include one that removes particles if mold is a problem.

Filter Ratings

Filters are given a number rating when they're manufactured. The higher the number, the more complete the filtration. However, you should be careful: The higher numbers also might be more expensive to purchase and operate. The lowest air filtration rating that catches mold spores is 13, and the true HEPA is rated 17. Most major retailers around South Jordan, UT, should have a variety of options.


Your new air filter is only as effective as you allow it to be. Make sure that you use it as recommended by the manufacturer. The maximum amount of air that passes through a filter is limited, although more expensive models tend to cover more real estate. This sometimes means you will end up buying multiple machines, or else operating them in sealed rooms.

Air filtration is an important step if you want to control a mold problem or prevent a relapse of mold in your home. You might also want to consider dehumidifiers or ventilation, as mold often grows in wet environments.

Mold's Wrath and Your Belongings

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth on a door Do you have any mold problems in your home? We are the solution, call SERVPRO, our work is guaranteed.

Mold's Fury And Your Possessions

There are many aspects to consider when combating a mold problem in your West Jordan, UT, home. For example, you may have fungus growing underneath walls that need close inspection or extensive water damage that calls for a complete renovation. Whatever the case, a mold cleaning is no small task. As shown in the following information, there are some materials that hold up better than others when it comes to mold damage and your belongings.

Porous Materials

If the part of your home that has become mold's new living space contains items such as pillows, rugs, or other porous items, chances are you'll need replacements. Mold can easily cling to these items, and, unfortunately, the fungus tends to claim them for good. Mattresses and box springs are other common targets for mold and can contribute to necessary mold remediation.

Food Items

That loaf of bread may have been a great deal at the grocery store a few days ago, but it is likely rendered useless if it's suffered from mold's takeover. While throwing damaged food items away may seem like a no-brainer when mold cleaning, even utensils and other food preparation items may need replacements. It may be hard to let go of a beloved blender, but if you keep it inside, you could raise your chances of having another infestation.

Paintings and Art

Unlike permeable objects and food items, paintings may not always be so vulnerable to mold damage. In fact, just because a painting has become one of mold's victims does not necessarily mean it has reached its end. If addressed quickly, paintings can be restored without allowing any further spreading of mold. However, it is usually wise to let the restoration professionals take on this potentially challenging task.

Not all West Jordan, UT, residents appreciate the value of a true work of art, but those who do know all too well that their preservation is crucial. Learning that your artwork – no matter how much the cost – is affected by mold growth can be upsetting, but there are proper mold cleaning tactics to keep the art and kick the fungus to the curb.

What Should You Do After a Pipe Bursts in Your Home?

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO drying equipment ready to remove moisture Water loss due to a broken pipe in a West Jordan, UT facility.

Bursting pipes in West Jordan, UT, can severely threaten your home and belongings. The steps that you take immediately after a broken plumbing incident can be the difference between a relatively easy repair or a costly long-term restoration project.

What Steps Should You Take?

Once the source of the flooding has been secured and there is no longer any water actively entering the home, there may be little time before the damage to your home becomes more extensive. Take the following steps to safeguard your home from further harm:

  • Immediately contact a qualified professional service that is equipped to handle water damage and fix a broken pipe.
  • Thoroughly inspect your home for any hidden wet areas so that you may point out the extent of the damage to the restoration professionals and rule out any other leak sources.
  • Check your drywall, carpets, floors, wallpaper and ceilings, as well as behind cabinets and inside closets, for evidence of water intrusion.

What Will a Professional Service Do?

Qualified professionals that specialize in the types of damage caused by bursting pipes should begin the water removal and restoration processes necessary to ensure that the initial primary damage does not result in any secondary damage. Primary damage is the immediate damage associated with materials in your home being wet or moist for a short period of time. Secondary damage is the direct result of primary damage not being managed properly. Secondary damage is much costlier to repair and much more difficult to detect. Examples of secondary damage include the following:

  • Mold
  • Crumbling drywall
  • Warped, cracked and/or splintered wooden floors

Many incidents of secondary damage caused by bursting pipes can remain dormant inside of the walls and floors of a residence for months. By then, it could be too late to take any corrective actions.

The sooner a qualified specialist can begin correcting the problem after water damage is discovered, the less likely it is that your home will suffer any expensive long-term harm. Call a professional as soon as an incident occurs.

A Storm Damage Preparation Plan for Commercial Structures

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

Flood damage in a building Flood damage to a Bluffdale building.

Storm Damage Prevention

The managers and owners of commercial buildings should make a plan to prepare for storms. Many methods for protecting property from adverse weather are long-term strategies that may not be possible to implement in the hours before a winter storm. From anticipating seasonal weather patterns to monitoring weather forecasts for Bluffdale, UT, building managers, and owners should take a proactive approach to storm damage prevention.

Watch the Weather

One of the easiest ways for property owners and managers to prepare for storms is to be aware of seasonal weather patterns and approaching storm systems. Here are a few of the most important types of weather events for which to look out:

  • High winds
  • Freezing temperatures
  • Severe weather events

High winds have the potential to damage a structure and may accompany more severe weather events. Freezing temperatures may not seem as dangerous, but a frozen blockage may form in an exposed pipe and cause a pipe break that floods a structure.

Maintain Drainage

A longer-term storm preparation measure involves maintaining drainage. This can be helpful all year long, from allowing snow and ice to melt after a winter storm to keeping downspouts, drains and gutters clear for rainfall in other seasons.

Reduce Damage Risks

Property owners may want to invest in solutions for anchoring items kept outdoors such as chairs, tables or garbage cans. Any unsecured items can become flying debris that damages a property when wind speeds pick up. Storm windows might also be a worthwhile investment.

Some storm damage preparation methods involve investing in the infrastructure or maintenance of a commercial building in Bluffdale, UT. Other measures require immediate action based on changing weather conditions, such as keeping under-insulated pipes from bursting during a winter storm. A plan that accounts for short- and long-term preparations can go a long way toward limiting the severity of damage to a structure.

4 Reasons Your Business Should Have Flood Insurance

7/20/2022 (Permalink)

4 Reasons Your Business Should Have Flood Insurance

When you acquire a building for your West Jordan, UT business, one of the first things you should do is purchase insurance. When you do this, there are several options available, so it can be difficult to determine what is the best choice for you. You may wonder if additional policies like flood insurance are worth the extra cost. In many cases, the answer is yes. Here are just a few reasons why.

1. Most Standard Insurance Does Not Cover Floods

While standard commercial insurance does cover a large range of situations, large-scale disasters such as floods and hurricanes are often not included. These can cost insurance companies a lot of money, so they will often require an additional policy for this added coverage.

2. Flooding Can Cause Extensive Damage

If your business is affected by a flood, you don’t want to be stuck paying for all the damage that is caused. Flood waters that are left to sit can cause warping to walls and flooring and weaken the structure of your building. They can also damage furniture, electronics, and other belongings. Because flood water can carry contaminants, bacteria, and mold spores, the cleanup can be quite costly as well.

3. It Might Be Required

In some areas, you might not have a choice as to whether or not you will buy flood insurance. If you live in an area with high flood risk and have a mortgage on your building, you might be required by the lender to purchase the additional policy.

4. Natural Disasters Can Be Unpredictable

Even if you live somewhere with a low risk of flooding, it can still be a good idea to purchase insurance. Storms and natural disasters can sometimes have unexpected results, so you might end up in an unpleasant situation if you aren’t prepared for the worst.

If you do experience flooding in your building, a water damage remediation company can help with cleanup and repairs. Having flood insurance will make the process easier while saving your business money.

Understanding the Process of Fire Damage Restoration

7/11/2022 (Permalink)

Severe home fire Fire damage in Herriman, UT.

Fire Damage Restoration Process

Nothing compares to the devastation a family feels witnessing the aftermath of a residential fire. While emergency services can ensure the safety of the family, they cannot protect the belongings that hold sentimental value. A fire restoration service in Herriman, UT, has a greater chance of recovering contents of emotional value, and it does so through the salvage and restoration process, in five steps.

1. Emergency Assessment
Most restoration services will have a 24/7 emergency contact line. Once reached, the service will send out a project manager to assess the scene. These professionals will inspect structural integrity and devise a safe and effective recovery plan.

2. Water Removal
Because of fire hoses, fire restorations often require significant water removal, and the damage cleaning will involve some tasks typically reserved for water disasters. For example, before the fire cleaning can commence, a restoration crew will need to use pumps or shop vacuums to remove excess water. The team will often follow this up with dehumidifiers and air movers to dry out the house.

3. Debris Removal and Inventory
While a recovery team will remove obvious trash - those items beyond repair - they will also take care to set aside anything that is salvageable or could hold sentimental value. Fire restoration is not only about rebuilding a structure; it is about maintaining memories and the sense of home.

4. Smoke and Soot Cleaning
People often make the mistake of believing that smoke damage only occurs on the surface of objects. However, smoke and soot will often make their way into the cracks, crevices, and nooks-and-crannies of appliances, computers, furniture, and so much more. Experienced restoration specialists will take the necessary time, using disinfectants and commercial cleaners, to ensure no smoke residue remains in your home.

5. Restoration
With all the cleaning complete, the restoration crew can resecure the structure and get the house ready for occupancy. All finishes will be restored, and the home will look like nothing ever happened.
Nothing can prepare a family for the devastation of a residential fire. While the sight is enough to leave anyone feeling hopeless, don't give up. Fire restoration seems miraculous with a trusted service.

How To Fix a Clogged Pipe Without Causing More Damage

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

How to Unclog a Clogged Pipe Without Adding  Problem

If you have a backed-up drain at your Draper, UT, business, your quick fix may be to grab a convenient bottle of cleaner to push away the blockage. However, that could end up causing more problems. Here are a couple of tips to fix a clogged drain the proper way.

1. Manually Clear the Blockage

Mechanical plumbing tools like a plunger or auger, also known as a snake, should be the first line of defense. These tools, if used correctly, can push out a blockage from a drain without causing damage to pipes.

2. Try a Biological Cleaning Solution

A safer cleaning option to clear a clogged drain is a biological solution. These cleaners consist of live enzymes which will eat away at a clog over the course of a few hours. This is an eco-friendly cleaning option if you cannot manually clear the drain.

3. Use a Drain Cleaner as the Last Resort or Call For Help

Given the chemical properties of drain cleaners, they can ultimately cause more harm than good. They are designed to create heat which helps to disintegrate a blockage, however, this can lead to damaged pipes. Plastic and metal pipes alike will not benefit from these cleaners and their harsh chemicals. Be wary of also using them if you have a completely blocked drain. The chemicals will not break up the clog and instead sit stagnant in the pipe.

A water damage mitigation company can also assist if you cannot clear the blocked drain. Water experts can evaluate the damage and perform the necessary sewage cleaning to restore your pipes back to normal.

Using a chemical cleaner for a clogged drain is not the ideal fix. Instead, try to manually clear the clog with plumbing tools or use a bio-safe solution to remove the clog. If all else fails, rely on water experts or a chemical cleaner to get the job done.

How You Can Reduce Costs on Your Business Interruption Insurance Claims

6/13/2022 (Permalink)

How Can You Lower Your Business Interruption Insurance Claims Costs?

To compete as a successful business, you need consistency. Any interruptions to your operations can have detrimental effects. Natural disasters and similar incidents can make it impossible to work in your South Jordan, UT, building. For example, flooding can ruin equipment and destroy sensitive materials.

Business interruption insurance can compensate for your losses. There are steps you can take to lessen these losses. 

1. Have the Right Coverage

No business owner ever wants to deal with something such as a broken pipe. Other issues can cause widespread damage to the workplace. However, it's important to be prepared. Business interruption insurance will cover losses such as equipment, furniture, and building materials. It can also compensate for lost revenue and the cost to restore or rebuild your office. When you select a plan, make sure you pick enough coverage. 

2. Call the Professionals Quickly

In the event of large water damage in the workplace, there is no time to lose. You'll want to contact a professional flood cleanup company as soon as possible. Technicians will assess the damage and estimate how much it will cost to restore the building. The company will communicate with your insurance provider in handling the claim. The sooner you start the recovery process, the less damage there may be. 

3. Be Conscientious 

To avoid large business insurance claims, you should do your part to prevent incidents in the workplace. Reduce the risks of flooding by inspecting the plumbing in your building often. Properly maintain the pipes and other components of the plumbing. Have a professional address concern immediately so they don't become worse and lead to more extensive problems. 

Flooding in your office could be costly. Luckily, business interruption insurance can lighten your financial burden. To keep your claims down in the event of an emergency, follow these guidelines. 

3 Difficult Challenges of Cleaning Up After a Storm

6/8/2022 (Permalink)

Flooded home A West Jordan, UT home was flooded due to a storm

Cleaning Up After a Storm: 3 Difficult Challenges

If you have yet to experience a damaging storm at your home in West Jordan, UT, you should be aware that the process involves many complex factors.

Extensive flooding is among the most difficult situations to clean. It requires specialized equipment that most homeowners do not have, as well as technical expertise. A professional storm restoration company is often your best bet, as highly-trained technicians handle all aspects of storm recovery.

1. Limiting Water Damage

Many situations after a storm result in black water spreading through a home. Not only is this a potentially dangerous situation, but it is also likely to result in more extensive and quicker damage to the structure and contents of your home. The first step after flooding is water removal with industrial pumps and vacuums, followed by intensive drying using high-powered fans.

2. Cleaning Up Flood Damage

Whether water comes in through a faulty roof or overwhelms your foundation during heavy rains, it is critical to act quickly. Standing water will ruin fabrics and even break down wood structures in a matter of hours. Many advanced techniques are needed to restore your home to its original condition. These include tearing out ruined flooring, assessing wet insulation, and drying out saturated clothes and other personal items.

3. Preventing Mold Growth

When any type of moisture inundates your home, the risk of mold spread becomes much higher. After professional drying, proper cleaning, and sanitizing techniques, using approved products, are needed. This goes beyond ordinary cleaning and can keep mold in check. A poor process of cleaning and drying could allow mold to gain a foothold at some future date.

Any type of flooding in your home, even a break in a pipe that carries clean water, calls for a professional response. This will result in a faster cleanup and fewer problems down the road.

Be Ready for Water Damage After a Fire

5/30/2022 (Permalink)

restoration machines are cleaning a business When your business suffers water damage after a fire, our team at SERVPRO is ready to help you and has the right equipment for drying.

Prepare For Water Damage Following A Fire

Businesses in Murray, UT, that have a fire break out have to deal with much more than fire damage. Even to extinguish the flames of a small fire, the fire hose used will unleash thousands of gallons of water that may easily lead to additional damage if not taken care of immediately.

Water Damage Expectations

A key issue with unwanted water is mold, which can start to grow within 48 hours. Items prone to welcoming this growth include:

  • Ceiling panels
  • Drywall
  • Flooring
  • Carpet
  • Drapes
  • Wood furniture
  • Paper
  • Permeable items

The key to avoiding mold from growing is getting any affected items dried out as quickly as possible, which isn't always easy since water may easily be lurking in hidden areas. Considering that a fire means tackling multiple forms of damage, that process can be difficult to handle on your own.

Contact a One-Stop Shop

Stay focused on getting your business back to normal operations by contacting a professional water and fire damage restoration company. A certified company will have the expertise, tools and processes in place to handle the different types of damage. After a professional arrives, below are a few things you can expect to happen:

  • Water will be extracted using industrial-grade equipment.
  • Industrial fans and other drying equipment are set up to dry out the building.
  • The remaining moisture is removed with dehumidifiers.
  • The property will be inspected for mold and a mitigation plan will be established if any is found.
  • Any affected items and areas will be thoroughly sanitized.
  • Restoration is the final step, which may include replacing unsalvageable items.

While no business wants to deal with fire damage, fires are more common than people may think. A fire also means dealing with water issues and smoke. Contacting a specialist that can handle all types of damage makes getting back to normal faster and easier.

5 Steps To Take After a Business Fire

5/22/2022 (Permalink)

Truck from a restoration company Our disaster recovery team is ready for any fire damage in your business. Call us! You won't regret it!

After A Business Fire, Follow These 5 Steps

The aftermath of a fire in your Draper, UT, business often brings chaos and frustration. To ensure timely fire restoration, below are five steps to take once the flames are out.

1. Turn Off Utilities

Safety should also come first. Once the property is deemed safe to enter, it is recommended to turn off the gas, electricity and water as a precaution. An inspection should be completed before they are turned on again.

2. File a Fire Insurance Claim

The sooner a claim is filed, the faster you get your business back on track. Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to speed up the process and maximize your claim.

3. Document Everything

While you shouldn’t move anything until the insurance adjuster arrives, you should document the damage. This includes taking photos and videos of the affected items and areas. If possible, gather any receipts or other documents to provide to the insurance company. During the fire restoration process, keep track of additional expenses incurred.

4. Prevent Secondary Damage

Although all policies may be different, they will include necessary protocols to minimize the damage. The claim will only cover damage from the fire. If the property isn’t properly secured, such as tarping a roof hole or boarding up broken windows, damage caused by weather or vandals will not be covered.

5. Get Professional Help

Along with damage from the fire, there will also be smoke and water damage. A professional fire damage restoration will have the expertise and equipment to handle smoke cleaning, mold remediation and soot cleanup, as well as provide the repair and restoration services to get your business back to preloss condition.

Although a fire may be a trying time, keeping a clear head and taking the steps above are key ways to get on the path to fire restoration quickly.

4 Essential Phases of Commercial Fire Cleanup

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

Trucks from a restoration company Our fleet is always ready to roll out! Give SERVPRO of West Jordan a call for any size of fire damage. We are available 24/7, 365.

4 Steps To A Successful Commercial Fire Cleanup

After a fire, commercial owners in Sandy, UT, must face the conflagration's aftereffects. The building has more than smoke damage, external openings and water saturation, which become part of the fire cleanup process. Therefore, restoration requires numerous stages to remediate the current devastation and minimize additional concerns. The following phases remain essential to remediating the harm.

1. Understanding the Extent of Water and Soot Damage

Contact a team of fire restoration professionals to assess the premises and determine a plan of action. These specialists examine the structure for multiple concerns. Evaluate the situation at hand before attacking any cleanup procedures.

2. Protecting the Grounds From Secondary Complications

The fire's smoke damage requires attention. The fire department stopped the blaze by taking several valuable tactics such as busting out windows, creating holes in the roof and saturating the building with water. Workers need to close off the openings using plywood and tarps. These actions minimize the chance of intruders (animals and people); plus, it defends against harmful weather systems.

3. Removing Excess Moisture From the Premises

Eliminate the extra fluid from the walls. Use dehumidifiers and air movers to extract the dampness harboring deep in the walls and floor. The wetness encourages mold growth. Decreasing it reduces the likelihood of unwanted and costly fungus infestation.

4. Cleaning the Building of Stains

Remediation specialists rely on sophisticated equipment such as foggers and scrubbers to tackle the smoke cleaning, eliminating unpleasant odors. In addition, they determine whether personal contents may undergo innovative techniques to restore them to pre-fire condition. They have the knowledge and ability to scrub surfaces, removing undesirable stains. With this accomplished, the team may turn its attention to replacing anything damaged and rebuilding the premises.

Owners in Sandy, UT, may rely on a professional restoration company to assist in their fire cleanup demands. Using their expertise and specialized equipment, the crew can tackle issues such as reducing secondary water contamination and cleaning smoke damage. The process requires time, allowing the experts to complete the necessary steps.

Can a Noisy Water Heater Pose a Problem?

4/30/2022 (Permalink)

Can A Noisy Water Heater Be An Issue?

Water heaters may make popping or rumbling noises if you have hard water in Daybreak, UT, or it has been a while since you flushed the tank of this appliance. Find out why these noises occur and whether water heater sounds might indicate potential problems that could cause this appliance to malfunction.

Sediment Is a Common Cause of Sounds

Water that is referred to as being “hard” contains high concentrations of calcium and magnesium. The following minerals tend to contribute to the deposits called “scale”:

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Calcium sulfate
  • Magnesium hydroxide

Particles of these minerals settle at the bottom of a tank and act as an insulator. The sounds coming from this appliance are caused by steam bubbles that rise and then become trapped. A heater with a rusted tank can also leak and cause water damage.

Scale Makes a Water Heater Work Harder

Sediment can keep the heating element from efficiently raising water temperature. Reduced tank volume may limit the hot water supply, and water from faucets or showerheads may fluctuate in temperature from very hot to lukewarm. Over time, buildup shortens the life of a heating element.

Flush the Tank To Remove Residue

Eliminate buildup by doing a water heater flush. Shut off the breaker to an electric heater or set a gas heater to pilot. Close the water supply valve and wait for water in the tank to cool. Attach a hose to the drain valve and route the contents down a drain or outside. Drain and refill the tank until water runs clear. Close the drain valve and reconnect the heater.

A noisy water heater may not fail immediately, but the heating element will have to work harder, which shortens the operating life of the appliance. Depending on the hardness of water in Daybreak, UT, a homeowner may want to regularly flush out a heater tank.

4 Ways To Prevent Flooding in Towns

4/26/2022 (Permalink)

4 Methods For Preventing Flooding In Cities

Rain is a wonderful, natural way to water gardens and town landscaping. However, heavy storms and floods can cause plenty of damage to a town and the buildings within. With flood prevention planning, you can take measures to avoid excess damage in West Jordan, UT. Here are four ways to prevent flooding in small towns and cities.

1. Design the Drainage System

The design and layout of a town’s drainage system can build a great foundation for preventing floods and cause less headache over time. A drainage system should be well-mapped and properly covered to prevent leaves, debris and large items from clogging the system. Water should be able to drain freely and quickly to avoid pooling in streets and low-lying areas.

2. Plant Vegetation

While trees, shrubs and even different varieties of grass can be decorative and scenic, they serve an even greater purpose when it comes to flood prevention. Extra vegetation can absorb excess water into the soil and can prevent land erosion by slowing down heavy water flow.

3. Create Detention Basins

Also known as retarding basins, detention basins provide a pathway for water runoff and a temporary holding place for floodwaters. Vegetation and large rocks are often used to line the edges of the basin for additional absorption and to slow the rapid flow of water and prevent erosion.

4. Provide Education

It is important to educate people that live in the town and ensure they understand the importance of keeping drainage systems clear. This can help reduce the amount of litter and debris that clogs culverts and water ways. In addition to prevention, it is important to educate people on what to do if a flood occurs to stay safe and minimize damage. Providing contact information for a flood cleaning service can be helpful to businesses that are impacted by storms.

While rainwater can provide many benefits to a town, it can also cause severe damage if people are unprepared. Flood prevention can play a major role in keeping people safe and reducing damage from heavy storms.

3 Tips for Preventing a Space Heater Fire

4/18/2022 (Permalink)

3 Ways To Avoid A Space Heater Fire

Does your home in South Jordan, UT, have a space heater? Being responsible for more than 40% of heater fires, a burned space heater is a common culprit that many fire cleanup specialists see often. There are many easy ways to stay safe with one of these fixtures in your home.

1. Leave Space

It's called a space heater because it's designed to heat space, not your curtains. In addition to keeping your heater away from any fabrics or other flammables, be sure to inform your children about the dangers of leaving objects near them. Plastic toys melt if left close by a heater for a long time. If you have pets, take steps to ensure that they won't knock over the heater or otherwise harm themselves accidentally.

2. Keep It Clean

Another common cause of a burned space heater is a clogged filter. Though not all units come with one, it's important to clean it regularly if yours does. Different cleaning measures are recommended based on the manufacturer's instructions. If you lost your manual, check online for a pdf of it or look on your unit for a phone number to call. No matter what, be sure that you never clean your filter with any type of alcohol or scented aerosol spray as both are extremely flammable. The smoke cleanup from that is a hassle that you don't want to deal with.

3. Set a Timer

We all forget things every once in a while, but it's important that you don't forget to turn off your space heater. While some units come with a timer, most don't. If yours doesn't, try setting a timer on your phone, microwave, or oven. Additionally, if your home has a smart assistant, consider using wall plug accessories to automatically shut off your unit.

With some knowledge, it's certain that your home won't be affected by a burned space heater anytime soon.

2 Facts About IICRC Certifications

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

A specialist is cleaning water loss in an office Our SERVPRO team of IICRC-certified managers and technicians are here to help business owners when they have any water damage.

IICRC Certifications: Two Facts

If you've ever hired a disaster restoration company, you have probably noticed that certain businesses in Herriman UT, list IICRC certified in their credentials. In fact, there are a lot of them that are certified. All of these businesses seem to be boasting that this type of certification means they are more qualified. If you don't work in the restoration industry, you probably don't understand its significance and why it is important to look for a company with this certification. Keep reading for information about this type of certification.

1. This Organization Is a Leader in the Remediation Industry

IICRC translates to Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification. This is a substantial organization dedicated to improving the quality of work performed in the remediation industry by setting high standards. It was originally founded in the United States in 1972. Since these early years, it has grown to have thousands of certified technicians and businesses worldwide. It sets the standards for various areas within the restoration industry so that technicians may have multiple certifications and provide top-quality work for any disaster.

2. A Certification Ensures You Will Get Better Quality Work

To get an IICRC certification, technicians must undergo rigorous training and prove they meet the high-standards by passing an exam. Whether a technician has a cleaning, restoration, inspection, or mitigation certificate, they can be expected to uphold certain principles and standards set forth by this organization. This means that any customers who look for this type of certification ensure they are getting the highest-quality team available.
Technicians that have been trained and certified by this company provide high-quality work.

There are many businesses in numerous locations that offer technicians with these certifications. Choosing one of these businesses ensures that you get a better quality of work for your remediation tasks. Therefore, businesses must look for this certification when choosing a restoration company.

3 Reasons Mold Growth Demands Quick Response

3/17/2022 (Permalink)

a door with mold damage Mold growth isn't slow. Once triggered by moisture, the spores grow rapidly. Call SERVPRO if you need help!

There Are Three Reasons Why Mold Growth Need Immediate Action.

If your business in West Jordan, UT, recently incurred water damage, you should investigate for mold. When water interacts with a structure, it kicks off spore reproduction, leading to potential secondary damage. What seems like wet ceiling tiles could actually be a breeding ground for fungus, especially if the dampness lingers. Proprietors should react immediately to the saturation to avoid mold development. Here are three reasons your response time is important.

1. Fewer Spores Makes Cleanup Easier

Mold growth isn't slow. Once triggered by moisture, the spores grow rapidly. Within one to two days, they inhabit a space, multiplying at will. As decomposers, they feast on fluid and organic matter. Drywall, carpeting and other porous substances become a feasting ground once wet. The longer owners wait, the more spores are present and the further they can spread. That means cleanup entails more area and additional effort. While the water restoration company can tend to the concerns, a larger project demands more time and attention, keeping the business closed.

2. Less Growth Is Less Expensive

Owners must fix the water damage and mitigate the mold. Swift action controls the spread, leaving fewer things to do. The crew can concentrate on the source of the concern and then sanitize and extract a smaller section. With a reduced task list, the cost of the project is lower.

3. Speedy Actions Could Increase Insurance Approvals

Sometimes your cleanup procedures are covered under your insurance policy; however, negligent behavior can provide grounds for denial. Your mold prevention efforts count. If you file a claim, the insurer wants to see that the business has been properly cared for and that the owners did not allow the problem to exacerbate. Fast response to water trouble is one way to validate your request.

Water damage is a serious matter, whether it's small or large. Pick up the phone and contact professionals to evaluate the harm. Your timely approach not only encourages claim approval but lessens the growth's severity.

Keep Your Employees Safe With Storm Preparedness

3/16/2022 (Permalink)

Storm Preparedness Can Keep Your Employees Safe

Keeping employees safe during a rain storm is the responsibility of every office manager. How you react to one is as important as the preparatory measures you take. Here are some extreme weather safety guidelines that should always be followed.

Thunderstorm Preparations

Before high winds and driving rains hit your office, reduce the risk of danger by employing these measures:

  • Download an emergency weather app to your phone and turn on notifications
  • Trim trees so that blown branches are less likely to break windows
  • Install lightning rods with guidance from your local fire department
  • Create an emergency first aid kit and inform everyone of where it is being stored

The danger presented by any heavy rain storm can be significantly reduced with the execution of these precautions.

Thunderstorm Responses

When a storm strikes, remain calm and take charge. The odds of someone getting injured are lower when you stay in control and are aware of what to do.

If a company picnic or other outdoor activity is underway when bad weather rolls in, immediately call off the event. Usher everyone inside, reminding them of the danger from lightning strikes. Transfer as much fun inside as possible to reduce the temptation of heading back out.

If conditions make re-entering your building impossible, avoid high ground, fences and sheds. Take shelter in another dwelling or a vehicle with the windows rolled up. Shutter your workspace's windows and secure the main entryways. Resist the temptation to constantly peer outside, as windswept items can shatter glass.

Shut down computers.

Instruct staff to avoid using telephones and other electrical equipment. If possible, temporarily replace these devices with battery-powered alternatives.

Only after the danger has passed should you concern yourself with how much damage has been sustained. Once you have taken stock of everything needing repair, get in touch with an office repair specialist and bring your workspace back to normal. 

Every heavy rain storm comes with the potential for disaster. Make sure your staff stays safe by taking smart actions both before and after one arrives in South Jordan, UT.

Is It Safe To Keep Flood-Damaged Items?

2/14/2022 (Permalink)

restoration machines from a restoration company You can trust our trained team to restore your business or home after a storm, so it's "Like it never even happened." Contact SERVPRO!

Is Keeping Flood-Damaged Items Safe?

Business or building owners who have recently experienced a flood may be curious which contents are safe to clean and keep. Any items exposed to contaminated water will need to be disinfected. Some materials stand up to this treatment better than others. Here is an overview of which items can benefit most from content cleaning.

Hard, Non-Porous Materials

Hard items that do not absorb water are the best candidates for cleaning. These items may range from durable to delicate. Depending on the material, damage mitigation experts may recommend one or more of the following treatments:

  • Abrasion or blasting
  • Immersion cleaning with or without ultrasonic waves
  • Spraying and wiping
  • Wet cleaning

These methods can be sufficient for cleaning a variety of items. Items that have been disinfected and dried should be safe to handle. If a building is still undergoing cleanup and restoration, ask a content cleaning service about off-site storage.

Porous Materials

Porous materials are generally not good candidates for cleaning. Exposure to contaminated water introduces contaminants that can be difficult to get out of the following items:

  • Carpets and rugs
  • Furniture
  • Mattresses

As a rule, it is generally safer to dispose of and replace porous items than attempt restoration. In addition to a risk of infection or exposure to chemicals, heavy metals or other contaminants, these items may also heighten the risk of mold growth in an otherwise clean and sanitary location.


Electronics exposed to water tend to corrode, which can cause short-circuiting. Flood water also introduces dirt and debris to delicate parts. Ask a cleaning specialist whether it is possible to restore appliances and devices or attempt to recover data.

A content cleaning specialist can recommend the best treatment for each item and give business and building owners accurate ideas about whether restoration is possible. Contact a commercial damage cleanup and restoration company in South Jordan, UT.

SERVPRO: How Can They Really Be Faster to Any Size Disaster

2/11/2022 (Permalink)

Truck of a restoration company SERVPRO is available 24/7, 365 days a year to help with any size fire or water loss. Even if you just have a question, call us and we will answer you!

How Can SERVPRO Respond To Any Size Disaster Faster?

In the insurance claim process, a speedy restoration company response matters, and that is why SERVPRO with their Faster to Any Size Disaster motto is leading the industry. However, it is more than just a slogan. It is a tagline that the company stands behind and for several good reasons.

1. 24/7 Emergency Response

Adjusters and clients alike, require the services of restoration companies at all hours. Disaster doesn’t set a clock and therefore emergency response shouldn’t either. SERVPRO’s standard of service is built on the idea of 24/7 availability, meaning that they’re out working while the other guy is sleeping. This level of commitment has not gone unnoticed as the company has been recognized nationally for their dependability.

2. Nationally Available

Additionally, they can make it Faster to Any Size Disaster because there are over 1,700 franchises spread across the country. This level of localization means that the company truly can make it to your client’s home sooner than less expansive brands.

3. Preferred Vendor

Also, SERVPRO only works with preferred vendors, meaning that all contractors and suppliers go through a screening process. Every company is expected to meet specific qualifications and comply with the level of care and professionalism outlined in the company’s standard practices.

4. Residential and Commercial Services

Beyond being nationally available, SERVPRO’s services include both residential and commercial properties, allowing a larger client base. This versatility suits insurance companies well because they typically cater to both large and small clients.

Faster to Any Size Disaster is not merely a slogan. It is a reality. It is an honest description of a company’s ability to receive a call and respond to a client in need, regardless of property size or type. Insurance companies depend on these quick responses to mitigate further loss and to make the claims process more manageable. SERVPRO is a localized company that has a proven reputation of compliance and satisfaction that can provide the level of service both insurers and clients require.

How To Identify and Resolve Wetness in Your Home’s Crawl Space

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

Truck from a restoration company SERVPRO is your local water, flood, and fire damage restoration professional. Call SERVPRO today to learn more about how we can help!

How To Recognize And Treat Wetness In Your Crawl Space

There is a new way to research an insurance claim, and it is being offered to insurance agents through one of the highest rated disaster restoration firms in the South Jordan, UT, area. SERVPRO has created a claims database to help restructure the approach to claims research. The system helps agents quickly and efficiently appraise claims to help move the approval process along.

1. Claims Information Center

The Claims Information Center or the CIC is a collection of claims information for any insurance agent performing research. Agents can research by the type of claim or the cause of loss and find regional and localized information, helping them better prepare their assessment.

2. Claims Database

The actual database used by the CIC system is ReportER. When an insurance claim or estimate is created, it is uploaded into the system where it can be monitored by the insurer as it progresses from an estimate to a work in progress and finally a completed job. All of this information is accessible through the Managed Dashboard.

3. Management Dashboard

The Managed Dashboard is an agent’s way of keeping tabs on claims and ensuring that progress is being made. The dashboard also acts as the entry point into the CIC system, allowing insurers to research and compare different estimates and outcomes.

The insurance claim process can be complicated for agents. They are having to juggle multiple claims every day and having to research those claims to ensure accuracy. SERVPRO has created the Claims Information Center that utilizes the ReportER database to help agents prepare and rectify claims. While the research alone makes this tool priceless, it is the managed dashboard where agents will find the most use. This dashboard allows them to organize claims by the level of completion and helps them to organize their research. The CIC system truly helps to make a difficult process tolerable.

How to do a fire damage estimate

1/17/2022 (Permalink)

How To Calculate Fire Damage

Fire damage is the fourth most common type of small business claim and the third most costly, according to The Hartford. The average insurance claim total is $35,000. There are several factors to consider when making an estimate of damage to a commercial structure in South Jordan, UT.

Extent of Damage

A minor fire will likely to cost less to restore than a major disaster. A property owner may want to consider:

  • How many square feet of a structure are damaged
  • Whether adjacent businesses or buildings have sustained damage
  • The condition of building materials and contents

Cleanup and restoration costs will be higher if most of a building is damaged or a fire has affected neighboring properties. It may not be necessary to file a claim if a small fire was extinguished before spreading.

Cleaning Costs

A commercial fire cleaning service has the expertise and equipment necessary to quickly clean up and restore damage. Professional cleaning may allow for a shorter interruption in business. Most commercial property insurance policies cover restoration services.

Repair or Replacement

The amount of building materials and contents that can be cleaned or repaired or which must be disposed of and replaced also impacts the overall cost of fire restoration. Gather proof of purchase when making an estimate and ensure your policy covers replacement costs.

Duration of Interruption

The longer a business is closed due to fire, the more revenue will be lost. An interruption rider on a commercial insurance policy can be applied to:

  • Continued expenses
  • Loss of revenue
  • Temporary relocation costs

Damage restoration can take weeks. Check policy limits to make sure that sufficient coverage is available. It may be possible to avoid filing an interruption claim if a business can operate out of another part of the affected structure or a temporary location.

These guidelines can be helpful in making preliminary calculations. Property owners should also obtain an estimate from a fire damage cleanup and restoration company in South Jordan, UT.

Is Water Damage Preventable?

1/17/2022 (Permalink)

Drying Equipment After Water Damage SERVPRO has a team of licensed water damage restoration professionals who are ready to restore your home or business after storm damage at any time.

Is It Possible To Avoid Water Damage?

It is not possible to rule out every kind of water damage. A flood or another unexpected event can introduce water to dry areas of a residence in West Jordan, UT. Homeowners should take measures to limit the likelihood of unwanted water in home due to broken pipes, leaky appliances, or a damaged roof.

Pipe Breaks

Pipes typically break due to damage or pressure build-up caused by a blockage. There are several ways to prevent either issue from arising:

  • Have plumbing regularly inspected
  • Insulate pipes and drip faucets in below-freezing weather
  • Shut off water during trips out of town

A broken pipe can quickly cause extensive damage. As soon as a homeowner notices a pipe has burst, he or she should shut off the main water supply and try to remove as much water as possible. A water damage restoration company can be helpful for pipe cleanup.

Appliance Leaks

Appliance leaks are another common cause of water in home. Regular inspection of dishwashers, HVAC units, water heaters, and washing machines can prevent leaks from becoming severe. Leaks may become apparent in several places:

  • Around or under the appliance
  • Near supply hoses
  • Near drainage

Keep in mind that condensation may tend to develop in certain parts of a home. This moisture is not caused by a leak, but should be prevented if possible.

Roof Leaks

Roof leaks may start subtly and result in major damage to insulation, ceilings, or interiors. Regularly inspect the condition of a roof and look for damaged or missing shingles or pooling water. Homeowners may want to schedule a professional inspection annually or after severe storms.

Regular inspections of plumbing, appliances, and roofing can identify potential causes of water in home damage. Homeowners may perform periodic inspections, but licensed plumbers, appliance specialists, and roofers can recommend maintenance that could prevent water damage at a residence in West Jordan, UT.

How To Care For Burns

1/17/2022 (Permalink)

What Is The Best Way To Treat Burns?

Burn first aid is critical knowledge for business owners and employees. Every workplace should have a complete first aid kit. It is also important to have a safety plan and detection and suppression systems in place to limit the extent of fire damage. Take the following measures to care for burns caused by a fire at a commercial building in Daybreak, UT.

Assess Burn Severity

The severity of a burn should determine the approach to aid. A major burn can be

  • 3 inches or larger in diameter
  • Deeper than the dermis
  • White or charred

Emergency assistance may be necessary for extensive second-degree or any third-degree burns. It is important to monitor the injured individual until help arrives. Depending on the extent of fire damage, it may be advisable to administer care outside or in a safe structure nearby.

Retrieve a First Aid Kit

An emergency kit should contain burn cream, sterile gauze bandages, and other necessities. These items can be helpful for treating minor burns and protecting more severe burns until emergency responders arrive.

Cool and Moisturize

Hold a minor burn under cool running water or apply a damp compress to limit damage and relieve pain. Do not immerse burns in water and exercise caution when cooling severe burns.

Bandage and Keep Clean

Apply burn cream and loosely wrap a minor burn in sterile gauze. Cover more severe burns with a cool, moist bandage or clean cloth. Avoid breaking blisters, and cleanse any blisters that break with water and mild soap if desired. Reapply burn cream before re-dressing the injury.

Business owners may want to schedule a burn first aid training session. If a fire breaks out at a commercial building in Daybreak, UT, the owner or occupants should contact the fire department and emergency medical assistance if necessary. A fire damage restoration company can help a business resume operations.


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