What our Customers say...

Fire Damage Testimonials

Everything went very smoothly. I am very happy with the results!

SERVPRO exceeded my expectations in every way!

Everyone treated me with such dignity and respect. You just don't see that very often. Thank you for caring enough to do so.

Everyone hopes to never need this sort of service, but if you ever do, SERVPRO is the best there is!

I was so impressed with the way everyone genuinely seemed to care. Thank you!

We had an awful fire at our house a few months ago, such a pain and like watching your worst nightmare come true. SERVPRO West Jordan was a life saver!!! They were fast and courteous, very easy to work with and did an exceptional job repairing and restoring everything in our home so we could get back to life as usual. Things even looked better than before the fire! The billing situation was smooth and hassle-free as well. Very hard working and trustworthy company from our experience with them, highly recommend SERVPRO of West Jordan!